HMS Hercules and the Blitz

| June 29, 2024

WWI Exhibition with WW2 Story In December 2015 I made my way through the new First World War galleries at the Imperial War Museum, London. At the time, I was ingrained with all that was new to see. However after my wander, I felt I preferred the earlier exhibit to this one but…after a few […]

Sound, light, colour…history

| August 17, 2018

Thread Thirteen From Buckingham Palace Road we turn onto Birdcage Walk, bypassing the tourists who have lined up along the gates to view the Guards. Instead of joining the onlookers we choose instead to visit the Guards Chapel, badly damaged by a V-1 flying bomb attack in 1944. Smaller Chapels to the Guards Regiments line […]

Thimble, Threads and Needle

| August 5, 2018

Thread One The heat is upon us as loose threads, from many previous investigations, are brought together in a single expedition across London. Firstly, a walk to Kensington Gardens where we are to encounter two memorial shelters of the Silver Thimble Fund. As we walk toward them, we see them across the pond, with Queen […]

St. Paul’s Cathedral amidst the Whirlwind…

| December 29, 2017

…Amidst the Peace For a few days in December 1940 the skies above London were without enemies. Christmastide, beginning at sunset on Christmas eve through St. Stephen’s Day (Boxing Day) was without the falling rain of incendiaries, high explosives, mines, fuzes, time delays and other harm from Dorniers, Heinkels and Junkers. The rain, the lightning […]

Black Saturday: 7 September 1940

| September 4, 2017

Prowler and Prey The Luftwaffe crossed the English Channel and followed the Thames towards their targets over London. It was Saturday, 7 September 1940 at 4:43 pm. No longer focused on British airfields the Luftwaffe turned their attention upon the Docklands – Silvertown with its associated factories, worker’s homes and warehouses. The afternoon light was […]