HMS Hercules and the Blitz

| June 29, 2024

WWI Exhibition with WW2 Story In December 2015 I made my way through the new First World War galleries at the Imperial War Museum, London. At the time, I was ingrained with all that was new to see. However after my wander, I felt I preferred the earlier exhibit to this one but…after a few […]

Permission to speak, sir?

| April 29, 2024

Dad’s Army: CP1 of Walmington-on-Sea A weekend of what to watch was resolved as disc 1 from the original Dad’s Army (1968-1977) television series was launched over the weekend. The catchy theme, often mistaken for a wartime tune, was written by the show’s creator Jimmy Perry who together with Derek Taverner wrote the music. The […]

W.V.S. Needs Your Help!

| February 26, 2023

The WVS Never Say No The Woman’s Voluntary Service (WVS) was founded by Stella Isaacs the Marchioness of Reading in 1938. Both the Times and the Observer newspapers cited two differing Great War services in her 1971 obituaries. The Times reporting her work with the British Red Cross Society and the Observer reporting her work […]

Candy Wrapper Connections

| January 29, 2023

Museums…Stories Such fun to have been on the road, at long last, taking the tube from Embankment to Lambeth North (London) for the walk to the Imperial War Museum. With each stride I am closer to their new exhibitions, eager to see new design, new content. I was not disappointed. As I wandered the open […]

We’re Here…London 2022

| December 24, 2022

At Long Last It was time to go…the last time, November 2019 and now three years later and after all the calamities of the world I was at long last back in London. I have been visiting this city since 1983…and part of this trip was to revisit and reconnect with a few of those […]