Stirrup Charges in Art

| May 26, 2024

St. Quentin 1914 Artist depictions of the stirrup charge of the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) and Black Watch are part of Great War mythology. It is unlikely they ever took place. Great War artist, Caton Woodville, painted a scene illustrating the Scots Greys stirrup charge with unidentified Highlanders claiming the date of the action […]

Kennington: Colours and Line

| August 29, 2022

Ever More Connected Artist Eric Henri Kennington was a war artist and sculptor– creating well known works of both the Great War (The First World War) and the Second World War. Kennington’s work is housed in several public collections including the National Portrait Gallery (London), the Tate Gallery (London), the National Galleries of Scotland, and […]

Wounded Horse in Stone

| May 29, 2022

A War Horse Story In 2006 while on tour with an English friend across the landscapes of the Western Front, we happened upon the horse memorial at Chipilly. Time was of the essence, our host and driver wanted to show us as much as possible, I managed to ask for a quick stop to roll […]

‘Ayo Gorkhali!’

| September 24, 2021

Gurkha VC Statue in Aldershot Learning of a new soldier Victoria Cross statue, to be unveiled on Saturday 25 September 2021, has brought back memories of my work with the Piper James Cleland Richardson VC Statue  Committee in Chilliwack, B.C. Knowing the many hours it has taken working with a team dedicated to seeing the […]

Here is No Giant Warrior God

| July 24, 2021

Strength and Determination Here is no giant warrior god on a high pedestal, but a man. He is tough, ready for the fight, his feet apart, arms held loosely by his sides ready. His helmet is just slightly at an angle, and, under its brim, his face reflects strength and determination. (A.L. Freundlich, The Sculpture […]