Refeeding the Netherlands

| May 5, 2020

The serious lack of food… In a few days time, 8 May 2020, the 75th anniversary of VE Day will be recognized. Prior to the declaration of peace, a ceasefire was established at 0800 HRS 5 May 1945. The people of the Netherlands were so very grateful to their Canadian liberators. The occupation of the […]

May 1945 – The Canadian Scottish Regiment

| May 2, 2018

Fallen Comrades and Common Dangers With the dawn of May 1945 news from the BBC announced Adolph Hitler was dead. Two days later Berlin had fallen. The Canadian Scottish remained vigilant, ready for the continuing fray preparing itself for an assault on Aurich, Germany to commence 4 May, 1945. However, news that day brought word…tremendous […]

Netherlands Remembrance and Liberation

| May 4, 2016

May 4th – May 5th It’s a fine day as the classical notes from a flute drift across the airwaves into the clubhouse. I turn towards the retro-styled ’30s radio as the tempo rises, lowers and then gently hovers as my thoughts cascade towards these day in 1945 – May 4th/5th, the Netherlands and the Canadian Scottish. […]