Behind the Wire 1916

| January 20, 2018

16th Battalion C.E.F. Prisoners of War (Part 2) …the enemy opened a heavy bombing attack against the left flank. Sergeant Slessor was wounded and captured – he died three days afterwards. His post was overwhelmed. Only after hard fighting was this onslaught stopped and the block retaken. (Urquhart, The Sixteenth, page 183) See also Behind […]

Behind the Wire 1915

| January 18, 2016

16th Battalion C.E.F. Prisoners of War (Part 1) At long last the first installment of Canadian Scottish soldiers captured during the Great War. This work would not have been possible without the tremendous effort of the late Ted Wigney whose work, in recording and publishing (for all) a record of CEF prisoners of war, was a […]