51st (Highland) Division Memorial (1924)

| September 3, 2018

Friends are good on the day of battle Located near to Y Ravine, within the present day Newfoundland Park, the 51st Division Memorial commemorates their success during the Battle of the Ancre 13 November 1916. The memorial project was aided by the good work of  Lieutenant Colonel Nangle, the former Roman Catholic padre of the […]

And we will all go together

| February 17, 2018

Will Ye Go Lassie Go Though perhaps this tune has wandered to my ears sometime in my past, it was only recently when the tune was featured in Their Finest that the melody, sung by actor Bill Nighy, has become anchored to my person. That anchor comes, not only in the form of the lyric […]

Dunkirk: Operation Dynamo

| July 22, 2017

Identifying the Regiment The evacuation of Dunkirk was a success wrought from devastation. Churchill, the British Prime Minister understood that victory could not come from retreat, the war was young, surrender not an option. Not wanting to give much away after viewing Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk I thought instead to share the history of one regiment […]