Stirrup Charges in Art

| May 26, 2024

St. Quentin 1914 Artist depictions of the stirrup charge of the 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys) and Black Watch are part of Great War mythology. It is unlikely they ever took place. Great War artist, Caton Woodville, painted a scene illustrating the Scots Greys stirrup charge with unidentified Highlanders claiming the date of the action […]

James Cleland Richardson VC

| November 3, 2022

Regina Trench, France: Action of 8 October 1916 GREATER LOVE HATH NO MAN THAN THIS For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty when, prior to attack, he obtained permission from his Commanding Officer to play his company ‘over the top.’ As the company approached the objective, it was held up by very strong wire […]

Langstaff’s Spirtualist Theme

| March 29, 2022

Presence and Present Ypres (Ieper) one of my favorite places to visit, not only as the small city is paramount to many of my immediate interests of the Great War, but now having visited often I simply like the town. The square with its shops for browsing, grazing and watering, the canal and the ramparts, […]

Beach in Pourville

| August 18, 2020

Operation Jubilee When the 16th Battalion CEF formed at Valcartier in 1914 four drafts from Canadian Highland Regiments provided soldiers for this new battalion of this new Canadian army. They included men from the 50th Regiment (Gordon Highlanders) based in Victoria, B.C., the 72nd Regiment (Seaforth Highlanders of Canada) based in Vancouver, B.C., the 79th […]

We Are Parts of Many Things

| August 16, 2015

A Journey and Study of Context It was a curious thing I set out upon.   Having traveled many times to London, England and ventured forth from various rail stations to different parts of the United Kingdom, I took on more and more the role of the observer of place. These built structures and landscapes […]