Remembrance Day Event 11/11/11

We are planing a spectacular stage event to be held on Remembrance Day in Victoria, British Columbia. But we are going to need your help to make it happen. With funds committed to the film production we are asking you, our fans, our friends to contribute to this historic stage event honoring Jimmy and all veterans alike.  No asking for a handout, we have tailored specific rewards based on your level of sponsorship. Please take a moment to review our fundraiser at, learn about the rewards and make a small contribution.

Why contribute if you won’t be able to attend the event live?  Simple… We will be producing a commemorative DVD of the nights event!

Best part? For a simple contribution we will included that DVD as a reward.



About The Author

Ian is an acclaimed writer, producer, and director of documentary films and multimedia events. He is also a competitive bagpiper and has produced large scale multimedia concerts and pipe band recordings. It is his combined passion for film and piping that endow him with a unique and personal perspective for the Pipes of War project.


3 Responses to “Remembrance Day Event 11/11/11”

  1. Jane says:


    I am very interested in the story if Piper James Richardson.
    I am wondering…Is the event still taking place on Remembrance Day in Victoria?


    • Jane,

      We appreciate your interest and support. However, in the last two weeks the powers that be have worked their influence and our stage presentation has been postponed to coincide with the centennial celebrations of the Canadian Scottish Regiment. Please check back for more details and read the most recent post on this site. “Press Release 11/1/11″

  2. Mick Stewart says:


    We are a new Scottish WWII reenactment unit in Texas. We are very interested in your project! This sounds like a most worthy undertaking, shedding light on a subject that few understand or know about.

    All the best.

    Mick Stewart
    6th Bn KOSB Historical Reenactment Unit

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