What Will You Do For Us Afterwards?

| October 29, 2023

Returned Soldier Writes of Ghosts Too often the loser in that struggle was the ex-soldier, reduced to plead[ing] hopelessly with soul-less powers who renege their promises made, who grind these broken veterans to starvation, shame and suicide. (Will R. Bird M.M. (Returned Soldier) in Death So Noble, J. Vance, p. 119) William Richard Bird was a […]

Something On This Wall

| August 6, 2018

Thread Two The moth flies in erratic fashion fleeing the notes of multiple bugles at the Menin Gate Memorial tonight. Many visitors are here this fine and warm evening armed with cameras and children held aloft for better views. What is it that they have come to see? Following the ceremony, the bugles rest, and the […]

Charms of Life in the Trenches

| April 21, 2015

Lieutenant George Samuel Ager, 16th Battalion CEF As time advances from one Great War anniversary to the next, I engage my grey cells in an exercise to find connection with  the Canadian Expeditionary Force of April 22 – 24, 1915. Specifically I search for something personal, a familar name to speak to the area northeast […]