On Duty Throughout

| April 15, 2020

Carved into the Lessons from History On 14 April 2020 the Daily Express presented the suggestion, made by Mr. Terence McIlroy, that in recognition of the bravery of the British National Health Service (NHS), during the Covid-19 pandemic, that the organization could be presented with the honorific award of the George Medal. Although the article […]

There is A Red Heart in the Window

| March 28, 2020

Softness to My Eyes There is a red heart in the window as I walk the quiet of the early evening. Mallards huddle closely in the quiet of a school field as the spring rain washes our town, our nature. The moisture runs freely along the roadside, its watery current in syncopation with the 7pm […]

Pandemic: Its Reappearance

| March 14, 2020

It has occurred, an unwanted centenary Following commemorations marking the days and events of the Great War Centenary, we now face the reappearance of an unwelcome 2020 visitor – a global pandemic. Mimicking the timing of the influenza pandemic of 1918 – 1920 we now have Coronavirus or COVID-19. The new virus first appeared towards […]