Three Chords and the Truth

| September 15, 2019

Art in Storytelling Its poetry…words…wordsmithing…art…cadence…metaphor. Its heartache and longing, joy and celebration, finding a path, search and discovery, its about others and…its about self. How many times have I rummaged about the endless papers of forced lyrics and find amongst them the ones that have remained? Sometimes we try too hard to repeat our talents, […]

Heart in the Darkness – Vietnam

| September 9, 2017

“We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.” Joseph Conrad, 1899 In 1978 I read Heart of Darkness. In 1979 I watched Apocalypse Now. I went to the cinema on my own that early evening and still, to this day, recall the opening. Rotating sound across a black screen, jungle, the hint of smoke, silence, […]