Our Eddie

| August 26, 2016

More Character than Legend – More Legend than Ordinary How can it be possible – to feel both full and empty at the same time? Filled with a lifetime of memories fleeting past in rapid succession and yet a vast emptiness, a hollowness that yearns for one last conversation. Our Eddie left us yesterday…and so […]


| January 5, 2016

Bridge of Spies and my Zweibrücken (Two Bridges) I step into the cold December night and wander towards the theatre. Tonight was to have been a blog about prisoners of war of the 16th Battalion CEF, but as I watch the blog become scrambled across the page I realize tonight is not the time to sort […]

Mons, Marne, Verdun and Somme

| February 17, 2015

The Royal Navy’s Great War Battle Commemorations Recent research into the Royal Navy fleet that Admiral Sir Jacky Fisher, First Sea Lord of the Board of the Admiralty, built has led to some interesting discoveries. Fisher was instrumental, or rather was the powerhouse, in re-developing the British Navy. In October 1905 the Dreadnought program commenced […]